Apply For 1:1 Coaching To Start Your Ghostwriting Business

Book Your Ghostwriting Kickstart Call

Use the calendar below to book your Ghostwriting Kickstart Call with our team.On this call, we’ll dig deeper into your goals and walk you through the 3 pillars for becoming a Premium Ghostwriter.(Just to make sure our approach to ghostwriting is right for you & your goals!)

What You Will Learn On Your Ghostwriting Kickstart Call

On your Ghostwriting Kickstart Call, we're going to give you a crash course on the 3 Pillars we teach to each of our PGA students:

Pillar #1: Premium Positioning

Instead of saying you will write “anything” for “anyone” (the biggest mistake writers make), we are going to show you how to attract high-ticket clients by specializing in a specific service, for a specific person, in a specific industry.Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think!

Pillar #2: Premium Offer

Instead of charging per word or per hour for your services (which is what most writers do) and trying to sell a commoditized service (like “writing blog posts”), we are going to show you how to sell a Productized Service and charge per asset.(Because that's what will allow you to earn a premium!)

Pillar #3: Premium Outreach

Instead of spam-sending hundreds of cold DMs per day (which is what most “gurus” will tell you to do), we’re going to show you a completely different and way less sales-y approach to land high-ticket clients.This will help you differentiate yourself from everyone else out there.

And in case we haven't met yet...

My name is Nicolas Cole, and I am the founder of Premium Ghostwriting Academy.In 2016, I started the first ghostwriting agency for founders & executives.I grew that agency to millions of dollars in revenue, and to-date have ghostwritten for over 300 different industry leaders: Silicon Valley founders, C-level executives, crypto billionaires, even Grammy-winning musicians and Olympic athletes.I am also the author of the The Art & Business of Ghostwriting (which you get a free copy of when you join PGA!).But do you want to know how I landed my first 10, 20, 30 ghostwriting clients?By using all of the Positioning, Offer Creation, and Outreach strategies I now teach inside our Premium Ghostwriting Academy—right here, at my $15 desk living in a ramshackle studio apartment in Chicago.

So when I say ghostwriting is your fastest path to success as a writer, and one of the most lucrative career paths (and side-hustles) on the planet, I know because I’ve lived it.I went from being an underpaid entry-level copywriter earning $40,000 per year to making almost my entire yearly salary every MONTH as a Premium Ghostwriter.And now, I'd like to help YOU do the same.

If you want to go down the rabbit hole and hear my entire perspective on writing in the digital age...And why there has never been a better time in history to make money as a writer (and why AI isn’t going to hurt writers—it’s going to give writers 10x more power)....Then, check out my 2-hour interview with New York Times best-selling author & the most-followed Productivity YouTuber in the world, Ali Abdaal.*

Ghostwriting Myths!

Now, you might be thinking, “This all sounds great, but…” and then hearing some faulty belief pop up in your head as to why this won’t work for you.(I know, because I’ve heard these same faulty beliefs from almost every single person who joins our Premium Ghostwriting Academy… only to come out the other side with that faulty belief gone forever!)1. Do you need to be a “master of your craft” in order to make money ghostwriting? No! We have helped complete beginners who have never even written a TWEET master the skills necessary to start landing high-ticket ghostwriting clients.2. Do you need to become an expert-level salesperson in order to land high-ticket clients? No! In fact, our outreach approach will make you feel completely at ease because there’s nothing “sales-y” about it.3. Do you need to have a marketing or business background? No! We tell you exactly what you need to know, and exactly what you need to do, and help you ignore everything else—AND, we’ve made it as easy as possible for anyone, from any background, to be able to follow.4. Do you need to dedicate 12 hours per day to getting up to speed? No! We’ve made getting up to speed as a Premium Ghostwriter so actionable and efficient, you could do this while working a full-time job, while being a busy parent, and while still maintaining all the other responsibilities in your life.5. Do you need to do this all on your own? No! In fact, trying to figure all of this out on your own would take a very long time (and be very frustrating!). Which is why we support you with a Success Coach, a Sales Coach, a Tech & Automation Coach, as well as invite you to join daily Live Clinics where you can get constant support along the way.
It’s our job to make sure you are successful.
All you have to do is show up.

Here's What Some Of Our Students Are Saying About The Program

Ready To Start Your Premium Ghostwriting Journey?

Take the next step by booking your Ghostwriting Kickstart Call with one of our Enrollment Advisors.That way, we can finalize your application, walk you through the 3 Pillars of PGA, and make sure our approach is right for your ghostwriting goals.

Apply To Join PGA For 1:1 Coaching To Start Your Ghostwriting Business

The first lesson of the email course is on its way to your inbox.

In the meantime, fill out this quick survey to learn more about how we could help you achieve your ghostwriting goals inside our Premium Ghostwriting Academy.

After filling out your application, watch the video below to learn more about how we can help you learn the skills you need to become a high-paid ghostwriter inside the Premium Ghostwriting Academy.

Here's What Some Of Our Students Are Saying About The Program

As soon as you join PGA, you are given a complete “Crash Course” on how to build a lucrative career & business as a Premium Ghostwriter.

David Loewen

Nicolas Bueno

Khalid Almashgari

Anyone Can Go From 0 to 1: Becoming A Premium Ghostwriter (With No Previous Experience!)

Even if you’ve never ghostwritten anything before, we can get you up to speed!Jackson is a terrific case study in just how quickly someone can learn the skills necessary to land your first client as a Premium Ghostwriter.When he joined the Premium GhostwritingAcademy, Jackson had never worked as a ghostwriter before, but was excited to get up to speed on writing, packaging, and selling Educational Email Courses (EECs).But he dove into our PGA curriculum, attended our weekly live clinics, and—more importantly—took massive action.And after a few months, he's mastered all the skills we teach inside PGA—and he's started to unlock opportunities he'd never dreamed of as a result.

Jackson Fyfe

Stop Selling “Commodity” Freelance Services—And Start Selling High-Ticket Educational Email Courses

Are you a freelancer tired of churning out blog posts for minimum wage?We aren’t just going to show you how to scale yourself as a ghostwriter. We’re also going to train you on a completely differentiated offer: ghostwriting 5-Day Educational Email Courses!And we'll help you build the confidence you need to finally charge premium prices for your services.

Caroline Dougoud

16-Week Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA) Strategy Brief

Ahoy!Before hopping on your Coaching Strategy call to join Premium Ghostwriting Academy, please review this Strategy Brief to maximize your upcoming Strategy Call.Our guarantee to you is that the skills you will learn inside the Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA) are capable of generating $150,000+ per year, year after year. This is an investment in yourself with tremendous upside.Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA) will give you comprehensive insight and training specific to Ghostwriting, but also in Solopreneurship, Systems Engineering, Sales, and Viral Content Strategies.Let's dive in!

Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA) 4 Pillars Of Success

Over the course of our 8-Week Premium Ghostwriting Academy program, you will exit the world of commoditized “freelance writing” and enter the premium market of high-ticket ghostwriting.Here’s how:

Pillar 1: Position Yourself As A Premium Ghostwriter

Freelance writers get paid per hour, or sometimes even per word.Premium Ghostwriters get paid per asset or per project—and make 5-10x more money as a result.In the first week, we will not only show you how to reposition yourself as a Premium Ghostwriter, command higher rates, and set clearer boundaries with clients, but we will also give you our Premium Ghostwriter Content Strategy Blueprint—so you can effortlessly attract high-ticket ghostwriting clients via Twitter & LinkedIn and the content you publish.

Pillar 2: Sell A Packaged Service (Educational Email Courses)

A new ghostwriting opportunity has emerged, and we want you to be one of the first to take advantage of it:Ghostwriting Educational Email Courses.An Educational Email Course is a 5-7 day email sequence that educates readers on the Problems they are currently facing, the Solutions they can immediately implement, the Benefits of implementing those solutions, and the Outcomes they will generate for themselves as a result.(Ours, Become A Prolific Writer In 7 Days, has single-handedly generated millions of dollars for Ship 30 for 30.)Educational email courses are powerful ways of moving a rented, social audience over to an “owned” platform—and we will train you on how to Write, Build, and Launch Educational Email Courses for yourself and your clients, and sell these assets as a Premium Ghostwriter for $5,000 to $10,000 each.

Pillar 3: Create A Warm & Cold Lead Strategy For Infinite Clients

There are 2 ways to generate high-ticket ghostwriting clients:Warm Lead Strategy: Build an Educational Email Course for yourself, and drive potential readers via social platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, etc.) to enroll—nurturing potential clients.Cold Lead Strategy: Send DMs, emails, and have phone calls pitching your target clients directly.And we will give you our proven Warm & Cold Client Acquisition System so you can have both of these flywheels spinning at the same time.We will give you DM, email, and phone scripts for cold outreach, and we will show you exactly how to execute a social content strategy to attract clients on autopilot via social platforms 24/7/365.For context: this Warm & Cold Client Acquisition System is how PGA Co-Founder, Nicolas Cole, landed 300+ ghostwriting clients over 3 years, generating more than $4,000,000 in total ghostwriting revenue.

Pillar 4: Build A Scalable Foundation (Time vs Money)

Once you exit the world of commoditized freelance writing and enter the world of Premium Ghostwriting, you will have the freedom to make a choice:• “Do I want to 10x my income—scale my ghostwriting services & build an agency?”• “Or do I want to work 1/10th as hard—and make the same amount of money but work less?”Both are legendary outcomes, and whichever path you choose, we will give you our Client Management Pipeline & Resource Box to most effectively monetize your skills as a Premium Ghostwriter and build the life you want to live.

Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA) Asset List

  • 8+ modules of Premium Ghostwriting training

  • Premium Ghostwriter Social Profile Repositioning Checklist

  • Premium Ghostwriter Content Strategy Blueprint (Warm Leads Client Acquisition Strategy)

  • Educational Email Course Template

  • Client Acquisition System Training (Cold Leads Client Sales Strategy)

  • Client Management Pipeline & Resource Box

  • Educational Email Course DM Pitch Script

  • Educational Email Course Cold Outreach Pitch Script

  • Educational Email Course Phone Pitch Script

  • Educational Email Course Project Hub Template

16-Week Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA) Accountability & Support

As a Ghostwriting Intensive member, we will also provide you with the following accountability & support to ensure you achieve your goals & successfully reposition yourself as a Premium Ghostwriter:[2:1 Slack Support with Dickie & Cole]: As soon as you join, you will be added to a private chat with us—where we will provide you with 2:1 support (so you can get instant answers to your questions and feedback on your assignments).[Ghostwriting Intensive Curriculum Training Portal]. All of our training & templates will live inside a dedicated course portal that you will have lifetime access to. You will complete these trainings before each live feedback session.[Weekly Niche Training]: Each week, Katie will hold 1-Hour Niche Training sessions where you can come ask questions about the niche you are targeting, how to find clients in that niche, how to publish content to attract clients in your niche, etc.[Weekly Sales Training]: Each week, Connor and/or Tristan will hold 1-Hour Sales Training sessions, where you can ask our own sales team how to better sell and frame the value of Educational Email Courses & other ghostwriting services, review calls, workshop your sales script, etc.[Weekly Automation Training]: Each week, Daniel will hold 1-Hour Automation Training sessions, where you can ask technical questions on landing page setup, ConvertKit and Zapier automations, and how to streamline the tech side of your Educational Email Courses.[Weekly Ghostwriting Training & Hot Seat Live Feedback Sessions]: Each Friday, Dickie & Cole will hold 60-90 minute Ghostwriting Training sessions with opt-in Hot Seat Live Sessions where you can workshop any of your ghostwriting offerings and get direct feedback.[Ghostwriting Template Library (Members May Request Templates For ANYTHING!)] Lastly, you will have access to the Premium Ghostwriting Academy Template Library for all scripts and templates you need to become a Premium Ghostwriter.Looking forward to our Strategy Call together!Dickie, Cole, and the entire PGA Team

Here's What Some Of Our Students Are Saying About The Program

As soon as you join PGA, you are given a complete “Crash Course” on how to scale yourself from $0 to $10k per month as a ghostwriter.

David Loewen

Nicolas Bueno

Khalid Almashgari

Anyone Can Go From 0 to 1: Becoming A Premium Ghostwriter (With No Previous Experience!)

Even if you’ve never ghostwritten anything before, we can get you up to speed!Susanne is a terrific case study in just how quickly a brand new ghostwriter can start closing high-ticket clients.When she joined the Premium GhostwritingAcademy, Susanne had never worked as a ghostwriter before, but was excited to get up to speed on writing, packaging, and selling Educational Email Courses (EECs).Although it took her ~30 days to nail down her niche, as soon as it clicked, she landed her first high-ticket client almost immediately.

Susanne Hansen

Chad is another fantastic example of this.When he joined PGA back in May, he had never ghostwritten anything before. But he trusted the process and followed our blueprint.And exactly 90 later, he was able to hit his first $10,000 month—and now is preparing to scale his ghostwriting business to the next level.

Chad Greenlee

Stop Selling “Commodity” Freelance Services—And Start Selling High-Ticket Educational Email Courses

Are you a freelancer tired of churning out blog posts for minimum wage?We aren’t just going to show you how to scale yourself as a ghostwriter. We’re also going to train you on a completely differentiated offer: ghostwriting 5-Day Educational Email Courses!Matthew Brown could hardly believe how fast this happened. He is a Twitter ghostwriter and ended up selling his first $5,000 Educational Email Course… in the very first week.

Matthew Brown

Then, a week later… HE SOLD ANOTHER!$10k in revenue before he’d even gotten 50% through the program.That’s the power of a differentiated offer!

Ben's story was pretty similar.Before joining our Premium Ghostwriting Academy, he had been working as a freelance copywriter for a little over 3 years, offering all sorts of copywriting services.But as soon as he started working through our curriculum, he immediately realized the power of niching down and having a differentiated offer.So he flew through our modules—and in less than 3 weeks, he landed his first Educational Email Course client. Talk about speed!